Friday, March 24, 2006

Google India Code Jam 2006 Elimination Round

In the elimination round, all the participants were given 3 problems to solve within 75 minutes. The participants must login and register for the match on March 24, 2006 at the specified time (see the complete schedule). The participants then coding the solutions for the 3 problems and submit it in the coding phase which last 75 minutes. After the coding phase ended, there is a challenge phase where each participants can open the other participants code and "challenge" it. To see how to challenge, find it in the Competition Round Structure.

These are the 3 problems in the Elimination round:

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Monday, March 20, 2006

Google India Code Jam 2006 Qualification Round

In the qualification round, all the participants were given a chance to work on 2 problems in 1 hour. The participants can log in into the arena any time in a day from March 20 to 21, 2006 but once they opened one of the problem, they only have 1 hour to finish the 2 problems. See the complete rules for the qualification round.

Around 14,000 participants were randomly distributed to a room and each room will be assigned one of the 5 problem sets (each set contains 2 problems: 250pt and 1000pt). Here is the 5 problem sets:

  1. Qualification set 1,10,13,16,25,28
    1. Problem 250: ExamQuestions
    2. Problem 1000: UnNestable
  2. Qualification set 2,9,15,20,21,27
    1. Problem 250: GeneralElection
    2. Problem 1000: UnNestable
  3. Qualification set 3,8,11,19,23,26
    1. Problem 250: Sort01
    2. Problem 1000: UnNestable
  4. Qualification set 4,7,14,18,22,29
    1. Problem 250: PatternFiller
    2. Problem 1000: PerfectNumbers
  5. Qualification set 5,6,12,17,24,30
    1. Problem 250: TowerLifts
    2. Problem 1000: PerfectNumbers

There was so many cheaters during this qualification round since the qualification round is open for the whole day, and it gave an opportuinity for cheaters to cheat (I don't want to discuss how to cheat).

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